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2022 Sex Offender and Registration Notification Act (SORNA) reallocation funds Connecticut.

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $124,002)

The Connecticut State Police Sex Offender Registry Unit (SORU) is seeking a grant award for the purpose of meeting or augmenting the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) requirements, and to assist the Connecticut Sex Offender Registry in its implementation of these requirements. 

This will be accomplished by addressing the following three areas:

1. Provide training for ORU Personnel: The Registry currently lacks a dedicated funding source for training.  Funding is being requested for Registry personnel to attend specialized training to include the annual Dallas Crimes Against Children’s Conference (DCACC) in Dallas, Texas, the Watch Systems LLC Registered Sex Offenders conference in New Orleans, La., the SMART (Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking) Office one day regional meeting and the SMART office National Symposium on Sex Offender Management and Accountability.

2. Support state parole/probation with monthly compliance checks of registered offenders. 

The Registry will continue to support Connecticut State Parole with monthly compliance checks which are conducted on an overtime basis by sworn SORU personnel. The State Parole Special Management Unit (SMU) consists of approximately thirteen (13) Parole Officers and one (1) Supervisor assigned to manage sex offender parolees throughout the State of Connecticut. Each monthly operation is arranged by the SMU office and takes place after normal business hours to ensure a high contact rate. SMU establishes a series of teams supported by members of the SMU office, local police, U.S. Marshal’s Service, detectives from the State Police Computer Crimes Unit and members from the Sex Offender Registry.  Contact is made with offenders under the supervision of the SMU office to ensure compliance.  The SOR Unit will submit a detailed operations plan, if required, prior to any major event. Purchase Tactical Carrier Vest, to be used in conjunction with compliance checks.

3.  Conduct quality control checks on records entered into FileNet on a daily basis.

Unit personnel will conduct quality control checks on all records entered on a daily basis. These checks will ensure that documents entered into FileNet (document management system) have been scanned and labeled correctly. Daily records are filed by day and month. Unit Personnel will be responsible for going through each daily and checking a select number of documents to verify that they have been added correctly. This process will help to identify errors early and allow for documents to be rescanned before the hard file is shredded (1 year from date of scan).

Date Created: August 25, 2022