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2022 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Reallocation Funds Connecticut

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Congressional District
Past Project Period End Date
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $62,001)



Solicitation Name:      FY 2022 Guidance for Invited Applications for Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Reallocation Funds

Project Title:                 2022 CT State Police PREA Compliance Initiative

Funding Amount:         $62,001.00


The CT State Police PREA Compliance Initiative will support the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of State Police toward reaching compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act standards established by the federal government.


In the past, PREA Reallocation funds have been used to support the Connecticut Department of Correction in reaching compliance with PREA. In 2018, the Department of Correction certified compliance with PREA standards, but per PREA§115.5, as an executive branch agency within the State of Connecticut, the Division of State Police is responsible for ensuring the rights of prisoners as defined by the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).


Over the past year, the Connecticut State Police have been working toward compliance with PREA standards. The State Police used PREA penalty funds from the 2016 STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program in order to support an upgrade to cameras in three state police troop locations. Furthermore, the purchases of cameras to update equipment Troop L within the Western District, and addition of privacy screen are actively being made with the 2020 PREA allocation.


Upon receipt of these funds, the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management will subgrant all funds to the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of State Police.


The Division of State Police is located within the CT Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) which is comprised of six (6) Divisions with separate and distinct missions that provides critical statewide emergency operations to both the first responder community and the citizens of the State of Connecticut. 


There are eleven (11) Connecticut State Police (CSP) Troops geographically placed throughout the State.  These Troops are divided into three (3) Districts – West, Central and East.  Each District maintains a Major Crime Squad that is an Investigative Unit which processes major crime scenes and assumes primary investigative responsibilities for homicides, bank robberies, assaults that may result in death, sexual assaults, kidnappings and suspicious deaths. Major Crime Squads also assist Troops with complex crime scene management, evidence processing and extensive follow-up investigations.  These services are available to municipal police agencies throughout the state, other state agencies and federal agencies upon request. 

The Connecticut State Police (CSP) will utilize the PREA Reallocation Funds to work toward compliance with the following PREA Standards:    

  § 115.113 Supervision and monitoring:   Upgrade video monitoring equipment within Eastern District.


Available Troops for upgrades:

Troop K – Colchester


    § 115.401 Frequency and scope of audits:  Continue to conduct PREA compliance audits in its Troops that have had video equipment upgraded and fit with privacy screens purchased with 2020 and 2021 allocated funds. (Eastern & Western District)

Troops for Audits:

                  Troop B – North Canaan

                  Troop G – Bridgeport

                  Troop C – Tolland

                  Troop D – Danielson

                  Troop E – Montville

Date Created: August 31, 2022