DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction
DNA Funding for Forensics Labs Eases Case Backlogs
Funding Available Through the DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program
National DNA Database Identifies Idaho Rapists Living in Florida
Forensics Training and Technical Assistance Program
This program offers expertise and assistance to grantees under several of BJA's forensic science programs.
FY 2023 DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program Formula and Competitive
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FY 2023 DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program Formula and Competitive
Caroline Shriver
Planned Changes to FY 2023 DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program
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Forensic Grant Opportunities
More Than $210 Million Awarded to Support Forensic Science
Forensic Sciences
CEBR Solicitation Deadlines Extended
Christine Torres
Kathryn Manning
Monte Evans
Funding Available for the DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program
Grantee Webinar: Paul Coverdell and DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Programs
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